Capsule Wardrobe: Thoughts

Capsule Wardrobe

Capsule Wardrobe picks - June

June marks the mid-way point of this capsule wardrobe project and it's definitely been an interesting undertaking so far. I've learnt a lot-mainly about my own shopping habits and my own personal style, which hasn't changed as much as refined during the capsule process.

I think I'll have to accept that I'll never be one of those 'minimal' bloggers happy with 30 items of clothing to wear in rotation. I had grand designs in this ilk at the beginning of the project, but as time went on I found it to be more restrictive than liberating. There is certainly sense to be made in packing away less seasonal clothes to free up space and de clutter your wardrobe, and this is something I'll continue to do even if I decide to discard the idea of a capsule wardrobe going forward. However, I was becoming disenchanted with wearing the same thing so often-in the first rotation of the capsule when I followed some 'rules' by the letter, I did find I got bored with what I had selected and it also seemed slightly pointless having clothes I loved, but didn't wear, as they didn't come into that season's allowance.

So, learnings thus far: buying better trumps buying loads, considering purchases and buying things I don't have is better than buying the same thing (i.e black skinny jeans) in continuum, and finally, being more of an ethical shopper has become something more important on my agenda than it previously was. I have tried to buy more and more second hand, whether that's from eBay/depop or charity shops, and I have tried to ensure that if I do buy from the high street, it's either from brands that I believe are more ethical, or in a drastically reduced measure. I don't think it would be practical for me to suddenly stop buying things from the high street entirely, but I do want to make sure that I am becoming more informed and shopping with more intent than previously. 

I've got a few capsule wardrobe posts to chat through in the next couple of weeks so I hope they don't get too repetitive! I think it's a really exciting and interesting idea, overall, but I do feel that tailoring it to your own personal needs definitely works more constructively than following blanket rules which might suit one person perfectly well, but perhaps not another.

XO Amie
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