Capsule Wardrobe Continuations #2

Capsule wardrobe, vintage, style

You might remember in this post I talked a little about items in my capsule wardrobe that I'd taken over from one season to the next, and how the project was working for me. I thought it would be good to revisit that as it's now pretty much mid way through the winter capsule season, so I wanted to talk about how I'm finding it!

Clothing wise, I've been really good and not bought anything at all from the high street (since the start of January.) This for me is a really big deal as I am a major shopper, and I intend not to buy anything more until the end of this capsule wardrobe in March. However, I haven't really started thinking whether there's anything I even need yet-still on my list from the beginning of the project is a leather skirt but that aside, there's not much else I feel I need to get.

I've bought a couple of vintage items, from a charity shop and a vintage fair, and I've definitely been inspired to make my capsule wardrobe more secondhand/driven by vintage and thrift. The reasons for this are twofold; one, to ensure that wastage is minimal and the emphasis is definitely on 'slow fashion' and two, to try and lower my clothing spend (and avoid the risk of seeing anyone wearing the same thing as me!)

I also recently watched an interesting documentary called 'The True Cost' which details the lives of garment workers, but also the pollution and wastage caused by fast fashion. I didn't realise that fashion is the second most polluting industry there is, after the oil industry. This was profoundly shocking to me and really made me question the sustainability of the sector and my involvement with it; whilst I'm not saying I'll never buy from the high street again, I am saying that I will make much more of an effort to find out where my clothes are made and shop from more ethical brands, if I can. The documentary is available on Netflix if you'd like to check it out too.

Mostly, though, I'm looking forward to finding more vintage gems in chazzers and at vintage fairs and kilo sales, several of which have been plotted into my diary over the coming weeks. Especially now that the capsule wardrobe project has made me more of a specific shopper, I can go to these events with a bit more cohesion and pick out items I know will work well within my wardrobe, rather than picking up a load of old toot I never wear!

I've done a bit of a swap around with a few pieces in the capsule, too. I had got a couple of random items in there that I hadn't worn, mainly because the weather hasn't been pertinent so I've swapped them back with some jumpers and a dress from the autumn capsule. I won't say I've got bored, though I did think I would, but I have felt that some of the items were a waste of space as they just weren't being worn, so I decided to switch them out.

I'm still enjoying the project as a whole, my shopping habits have definitely changed because of it and I am really enjoying wearing what I've got, rather than continually looking for something new or different. 

XO Amie
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