Archive #9

Original post here

Another throwback post and this time the archive file heads back to Easter of 2011, when I decided to take literal inspiration from Coachella and go out dressed in my kickiest of ankle boots and this natty little snakeskin dress. I have to say, my hair was looking bangin' here; my scraggy old mullet cut had grown out nicely and this was a fresh attempt at DIY ombre which worked a whole lot better than I thought it would!

Reading back this post makes me feel so nostalgic; I no longer have that wonderful Chanel satchel (fell apart at the seams after several years of abuse) nor do I have those vintage aviators (for the same reason) but I have fond memories of them and the years of service they gave! I hope I can find another pair of sunnies like those; they were so comfortable and I think looking at these pics that they really suited my face shape.

Apparently I wore this outfit at the end of April, well, I can only think that 2k11 was a whole lot hotter than 2015 as that is a short skirt I'm rockin and not a pair of tights in sight. Perhaps the sleeves tricked me into thinking there was more to this dress than there actually was?! I remember going to a gig that evening wearing this dress and feeling really cold, so maybe the seasons weren't as out of kilter as I'd thought!

XO Amie
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