Plaid Shirt

yull beaulieu gap jeans asos sunglasses longchamp bag h&m plaid shirt
yull beaulieu beige and black
h&m plaid shirt asos sunglasses
yull beaulieu beige and black
asos sunglasses h&m plaid shirt gap jeans yull shoes
H&M plaid shirt asos sunglasses

Wearing: H&M men's shirt Primark necklace ASOS sunglasses Longchamp bag Gap jeans Yull shoes

How to wear a men's shirt? I like to style it with a skinny jean, a heel and a snazzy necklace to make sure it's totally girlie. This is such a nice shirt, I actually bought it for Adrian but it turns out his friend has the same one so I have taken ownership of it. I wasn't sure if it was really me, but I got a lot of compliments when I wore it and someone even stopped me in the street to ask where it was from. This never happens when I'm wearing something I think looks wicked so it's only natural that it should happen when I'm wearing something I'm not that bothered about!

I am wearing one of my favourite pairs of shoes, too, these Beaulieu's from Yull. Yull is a brand I've blogged about a lot; if you are unfamiliar with it you should check out the website here. The amazing shoes are stylish and beautifully handcrafted and these Beaulieu heels are the perfect shoe for day or evening. I love the Chanel-esque styling and the block heel!

I might try styling this shirt as a skirt, which is a method I've seen a couple of bloggers do. I feel it would look best with bare legs, though, so I might have to wait for the weather to warm up a little before I attempt that!

How would you style a plaid shirt?

XO Amie
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