Charity shop find of the week #1

vintage toggle coat
vintage coat
vintage coat alexa chung

Coat: £7.99 Oxfam

I'm a sucker for a 'series' here on my blog, but alas, most of my most talked about features 'Right, this is going to be a weekly thing! This is definitely going to feature on this, that and the other!' turn out to be nothing but a damp squib, I might make a post or two but then either forget to publish them/fail to keep up with demand (?) or just forget about them altogether. I can probably safely say I've started a 'Wednesday Wants' series on more than several occasions and as for the attempted 'Empties' features, well, I've managed three over the course of over six months; I'm sure most beauty bloggers manage these averagely bi-weekly or even more. I know I'm not a beauty blogger, but to wit: Many of the seemingly enterprising schemes I arrive at for regular blog features seem to fizzle away into nothingness, somewhat depressingly.

Not so, this newest feature! (facepalm, another one!) I can't believe that this has only just occurred to me: a Charity Shop Find of the Week series! I charity shop more than I care to admit, and have plenty of winnings to show for it! So, I thought, why not share these on my blog, with more information and detail about the item than an Instagram filtered picture would show?

We'll see how long this series manages, I fear it will end up being more of an Eldorado than an Eastenders but! Hopefully it will still be good/fun/enjoyable to read!

First up! The latest Charity shop find which is something I have been hankering after for some while: Show yourself, Alexa-esque grey toggle coat! The irony of this find is twofold; 1) I hate the colour red, yet somehow can bring myself to wear it as a lining to a coat, and 2) I almost bought a similar style coat in Primark the day before I found this, for £2 more! I didn't buy the Primark one, because the fit was all off and the 'wool blend' fabrication somewhat dubious, and fortuitously so, because the very next day I swagged this one from the local Oxfam. This was clearly only because I went in to take in two large bags of donations; and I was justly rewarded!

I don't know what brand this coat is because there's no label, I'm presuming it's vintage because it a) looks quite old (so specific!) and b) is made of proper, decent fabrics; wooden toggles and double faced, lined wool/felty feeling material; whatever, I love it, it fits perfectly, and it has a hood which allows it to straddle the fashionable/practical line. It also weighs an absolute ton; seriously, never have I held in my hand a heavier coat than this, even my sheepskin jacket isn't this heavy. The only other sticky wicket is how to clean the thing; I hung it out on the balcony for a whole day to try and rid it of the chazza stink but I think I'd feel happier wearing it after it's been dry cleaned. So I think it's going to end up being more expensive than the £7.99 price tag I paid for it, but I'd say it's worth it.

Have you found any fab things in the chazza's of late?

XO Amie
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