The Most Perfect Day...

A massive Merry Christmas from meeee! Hope you've all had a wonderful day! I have had an amazing time with Adrian, we began yesterday after we both finished work, some friends came round and we spent time with them and then jumped into bed and watched Home Alone, though we only managed about a quarter of it before we fell asleep!

I woke up this morning to chocolates for breakfast and lots of presents to open! I will share just a couple with you...the most beautiful vintage ring (in the top photo) was a present from Adrian, and I absolutely love it...he has such good taste!!
He has also been looking at my blog for inspiration and bought me the Topshop knitted turban that I blogged about recently...yay!!!

He also bought me these amazing camel bow gloves which means my minging Primark ones can be binned, finally! 
I am in love with this turban, and am going to wear it loads!! I got many, many other lovely things and have been well and truly spoilt, I am a very lucky girl! We also went to Adrians mum and dads for dinner which was soooo yummy and it was so nice to spent the day with them. We walked there and it was sooo icy! But so nice to be outside in the winter sun.
I have some outfit posts to share with you tomorrow, but until then, Merry Christmas! Hope Santa brought everything you wanted.
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Alexandra said...

Merry Christmas hun, im glad you had such a great day that ring is beautiful!

Imsu said...

Love the turban!
Merry Christmas!

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