I also picked up some underwear which was what I actually went in for, oh well, I think it's always good to keep an open eye for a bargain. I thought their full-price range was pretty nice too, I like the 'festival' vibe of the new collections, but am not as excited about this as a couple of more exclusive things I plan to purchase...
...first up, I have found the perfect pair of clogs, they are from Jones Bootmaker and cost £65, so I shall definitely be adding these to my shoe collection come payday. Thankyou to Fashionclock on Twitter who pointed me in the JB direction, much appreciated! Also my dear friend Lina also hooked me up with a link to the most beautiful clogs ever, but they are almost twice the price of the JB ones and I'm not sure how long this trend is going to last, so I may have to go for Jones. We'll see! I've also got my eye on a stunning Pringle bag that I've found on ASOS so that may also be a purchase for May.
I had a lovely surprise today related to chocolate! Yum, who doesn't like that! Well, I got round to the Boy's after work to find he had bought me a Flake (bless him, how yum!) and as he was eating his I realised that they were part of the 'Win a Benefit Lippy' promo. So he was about to throw his wrapper away but I rescued it, and lucky I did, as when I logged on to the website and input the code from his packet, turns out, I won a lipstick! How exciting! I love Benefit cosmetics, and what better way to get them than for free! yay! Lucky the boy didn't chuck his wrapper out either as mine was not a winner! Girls, you should all log onto the website at flake.co.uk and have a go at winning if you buy one. And as it is chocolate, there's no excuse not to want one, really!
whoopee to the lipstick win, sale bargains and clogs! so glad i mentioned there to you... look forward to when they arrive! gorgeous- will be back to your blog.xx katie
Very, very jealous of those brogues for a fiver!
i am loving that top you've got. it's soooo perfect for summer. :D
p.s. i am now a follower of yours. follow me too? thanks! :)
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