Summer 10 x 10 Challenge

Summer 10 x 10 capsule challenge

Created by Lee Vosburgh of Style Bee, the 10 x 10 challege has been running since 2015 and encourages anyone with an interest in, or working with, a capsule wardrobe, to take 10 items and style them over 10 days. I've seen lots of posts around this concept - Caroline Joy of Unfancy blog was one of the influencers who I'd seen talk about this challenge and decide to take it on, so I thought I'd have a go - in the interest of getting my wardrobe back on track.

Regular readers will know I undertook the capsule wardrobe project for a year back in 2016. I really enjoyed it for the first 6 motnhs or so, but I did find it became quite restrictive and inhibited my creativity somewhat. The point of a capsule wardrobe is to encourage rewearing, being creative with styling and avoiding waste/uneccessary purchases. It's a dedication to 'slow fashion' rather than the wasteful consumerism that fast fashion encourages.

I tried to be as creative as I could with my items but also not to punish myself if I did make a purchase. I also learnt that the perfect capsule is, for me at least, pretty unattainable. I can never find the 'perfect' version of a particular item - and that's ok! As long as I wear what I love, and really appreciate all of the items in my wardrobe, that's more important, to me at least, thank sticking to a certain 'number' of garments.

With this in mind I've made a couple of changes to the rule of the 10 x 10 challenge (for me at least!) My 10 items are all clothing - I am allowing shoes and accessories to flow in and out, as I don't want to restrict myself. Even so, I've picked 10 pieces of clothing in the hopes that I can get 10 days wear from them. I will try and document them as best as I can, although I don't expect I'll be able to shoot every outfit. 

It's also really tricky with the weather at the moment. Here in the UK we've had around 6 weeks of heatwave conditions which means I'm wearing clothing I would usually save for holidays. This weekend has seen a change in the weather and it's now a bit fresher, however I might have to make slight adjustments on the items I've picked based on how the weather varies day to day!

The pieces I've chosen are:
  • Vintage linen midi skirt in cream and tan check
  • Topshop linen midi skirt in navy
  • ASOS White silk dress
  • Vintage khaki silk t shirt
  •  Cooperative polka dot vest
  • Zara vintage cut high waist jeans (could swap out for Zara shorts if the temperature rises!)
  • Monki wide leg cotton trousers
  • Topshop cotton top
  • Vintage leopard print silk shirt (I intend to do a DIY on this)
  • Vintage sailor style midi dress
I'm not sure how well these items will work, however I feel like this is a good basis for a workwear suitable capsule. I love all of these items and can see I will get a lot of wear from them!

XO Amie
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