Small Haul

New Look haul: Tea dress £19.99, Mon Amie t shirt £7, Tea blouse £4 (sale) Jumper £8 (sale) Shoes £2 (sale)

Part of the revisit of my capsule wardrobe project has actually involved less 'hauling' but I bought a few things in the January sales and thought it would be good to talk about them because they are things that actually fill some gaps in my wardrobe, and also were things that I managed to pick up fairly cheaply!

I bought the tea dress before Christmas because I've been looking for a dress of this style for months, and I loved the polka dots (which are set to be huge for SS18). Unfortch I didn't anticipate how thin the fabric would be - I wore it to work once with tights and froze - but I know I'll wear it loads in the spring. I adore the cut and fit, it's really flattering and the style is lovely. So much so, in fact, that when I saw the 'top' version in the sale for £4 I picked that up, too. I can't wait to wear this with indigo denim and sandals in the spring.

The t shirt was a bit of an impulse buy, however my best friend Casey's nickname for me at school was 'Mon Amie' due to the spelling of my name, so I couldn't resist it. I really like this retro style and again, it's something I know I'll wear a lot - with jeans and a blazer would look so chic. The shoes I've already posted about and again, shouldn't really have bought as I definitely don't need them but I loved them, and for £1 per shoe I think they're a sensible purchase for me!

I have bought a couple of jumpers this season because I didn't buy any last winter, and this stitchy cream coloured one is super cute. I like the wide cut and the tassel details which make it a little interesting, I've worn it quite a lot with the khaki leather trousers from H&M I featured in a previous post and it looks great with those.

XO Amie
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