Favourite Fabrics / Chazza Tips

favourite fabrics Finery Crumpet vintage pieces

Just a few favourite fabrics

On the back of yesterdays post about investing in the classics, I wanted to talk a little about my favourite fabrics. Sort of an odd topic for a blog post, I suppose, although shopping through feel is not a new idea, it is one that has proved super helpful to me especially throughout chazza trips!

I always try and buy the best I can afford and fabrics play a big part of that. When shoe shopping, I'll always pick a leather or suede shoe over a plastic one, and though these are more expensive, the cost-per-wear makes the outlay worthwhile. Only yesterday I was speaking about my Chanel ballerinas; they've been to the cobblers twice at least but keep going strong and with care and repair I expect them to last for years to come.

When I charity shop I touch everything. I rifle through the rails and you soon learn to tell by feel the quality and age of an item. I can usually always distinguish a silk shirt in a rail of polyester, a cashmere knit among a load of acrylic jumpers, the perfect patina of aged leather among a swathe of faux. This has only been learned over time, and through identifying the fabrics that I like to wear by look and feel.

This is another point, which is that people like different fabrics. I prefer more natural fibres; wools, silks, cottons, as opposed to the man-made feel of synthetics, however this is just my own opinion. If you want easy care items, maybe don't go for the natural stuff-you can't really chuck a cashmere knit in the wash or a silk blouse (although I have done that with the latter!) and wools and angora jumpers pill terribly, whereas acrylic ones barely ever do. I just feel like a sweaty mess in polyester and I find acrylic jumpers make my hair static! This is the main reason I choose the fabrics I do; because I like the feel of them and want to feel comfortable in my clothes.

I also like fabrics that exist in a raw form; I think this is why I like silk so much and I am also on the lookout for a perfect pair of jeans; the non-stretch denim kind that you find with old pairs of Levi's, no whiskering or artificial marks or rips, or tons of elastane keeping their shape; just nice, basic jeans that I can cut off at the ankle and wear with a silk shirt and ballet pumps in the summer. The jeans of dreams!

What are your favourite fabrics to wear?

XO Amie
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