Work Space

I have recently updated the look and layout of my blog and I wanted to post about it as I am thrilled with the way it looks. I am no html whizz, and Adrian and I have spent hours before tinkering with the layout of the blog but it's not really an area I have much expertise in, so when I was thinking about overhauling the look recently I went to the experts.

I had initially thought about buying a pipdig set up which I know is very popular among the blogging community, but scrolling through a couple of blogs on my Bloglovin' feed I spotted layouts by 'Mangoblogs' who have a store on Etsy. Looking through the selection, I found a couple I really liked and eventually chose this design, which included elements I had always wanted but was unable to install myself, such as the slider, Instagram widget and 'popular posts' section.

I started chatting over Etsy with the shop owner, Eve, who could not have been more helpful. To add a little individualism to the template, I wanted to include my own blog header rather than the generic font that is included with the template, and Adrian drew the header for me. This was no problem and I think it looks great! I also took the opportunity to really clean up the space, getting rid of badges and widgets that I didn't feel befit the new layout. Overall, I think it looks clean, crisp, easy to navigate and professional; exactly what I was after!

Eve installed the template for me and we conversed over Etsy whilst she was doing this, making sure I was happy with the look and waiting for me to review the layout before making any changes. This was all included in the cost of the template, and it was very quick, all completed in less than an hour (it would have been even less had I not kept asking for more changes to be made!) This was great as Eve obviously knows the platform and can install and update the template easily; I could have done it myself but I am sure it would have taken a lot longer to do!

If you'd like to have a look at the other designs Eve has available, you can look at her shop here. I really recommend her as she was very knowledgeable and quick throughout the whole process, and made sure I was happy with the way that everything looked. Blogging is quite a personal thing and for someone to be changing your layout around takes a lot of trust, but having seen her work live on other blogs, I knew it was of a very high standard! I paid about £25 for the entire switchover and I would say it's money well spent!

XO Amie
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