Products I've used up #16

Products I've used up: Simple soothing eye balm // The Organic Pharmacy rose facial cleanser // Ren flash rinse facial // Lancome advanced genfique concentrate 

I wanted to post another 'empties' review today but bored of all the flat lay photography I've been doing lately, I wanted to try a GIF. I thought it would be a fun way to show off these items that I've used up this month, which are all facial skincare based and I would repurchase them all, such was their fabulousness!

I picked up this Simple eye balm a while ago and I was using it in place of a Botanics eye serum (which I've since gone back to.) There's nothing wrong with this one, though; the lightweight lotion was super soothing to the delicate eye area but it doesn't specifically target anti-ageing concerns, although it does help reduce puffiness. 

The Organic Pharmacy isn't a brand I've heard of before, but I loved this cleanser sample that I got free with last months Elle magazine; so much so that I will probably now pick up the full sized product. It contained my favourite scent, rose, and removed all traces of makeup whilst leaving my skin really soft and refreshed. I used it with a hot cloth to remove, like a hot cloth cleanser and it really helped to sooth and smooth my skin.

Ren is a high end brand that is pretty expensive so I had high hopes for this Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial. It's a weird product; it comes out of the tube green and gritty like toothpaste. You apply this to the face and then wet your fingertips and massage over your face to water activate the concentrated vitamin C in the product. It was quite fiddly to use and I felt that applying water to the product afterwards seemed to just push it around on my skin; it didn't appear to be doing all that much but after a few weeks of usage I did notice a difference in my skin which was definitely softer although I think it did have a tendency to make my sensitive skin a little tight at times, so perhaps not so good if you do suffer with dry or sensitive skin.

Finally, this Lancome Genfique sample was something I'd been wanting to try for ages. A concentrated serum, this was really good applied to clean skin but I did have to moisturise before applying foundation as I didn't find that the serum gave any emollience to the skin at all. It did make a great base for my makeup though, and helped my moisturiser to sink in. I did find it helpful in terms of anti-ageing and as I think most serums add another dimension to your skincare routine, it's a product that I would buy again. You can also buy it in a cream version, here.

XO Amie
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