Taste Cocktails

Taste Cocktails 'Winter Warmer' box

I was recently sent this box from Taste Cocktails as a competition prize and I thought it would be cool to feature as I've not seen anything in this style before. I used to be an avid subscriber to Graze boxes (until I found a dead bee in one of the pots, ugh!) and Taste Cocktails is a similar thing, but with alcohol over dried fruit and nuts! 

I honestly didn't know how on earth this box would fit though the letterbox, but it's not much bigger than a Graze box in size and the bottles inside are well packaged; small enough to fit comfortably in the box but with enough booze inside to stretch to about 6 cocktails if you make them one shot only. This particular box was themed 'Winter Warmers' and as such contained all the elements you might expect to make delicious drinks to serve hot. There were two large containers of brandy and spiced rum, a small bottle of cointreau, and a glass jar containing spices and chai tea. 

If, like me, you aren't an expert at making fancy cocktails, the box also contains a guide that explains (in very straightforward terms) how to make three different drinks: The Chai Spiced Toddy, Hot Buttered Rum, and Spiced Cider Apple. You don't need too many other ingredients than are provided in the box; orange or lemon rind and whipped cream are recommended to garnish a couple of the drinks but they aren't obligatory and you could easily make some simple and delicious drinks with the contents, and maybe buy into the extras if you were hosting a party or wanted to make more of an effort!

To subscribe to receive a box every month costs £29, or you can buy individual boxes or short term subscriptions as gifts, and they would make a really cool present! You can find out more on the Taste Cocktails website here.

XO Amie

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