New Season Now

Betty London sandals LV backpack Vintage sunglasses

Whilst it's definitely too soon to even consider wearing sandals, I have been really wanting to post about these Betty London beauts since I got my hands on them a few weeks ago. I don't know if this is going to be Summer 2015's shoe thing, but everywhere I go I notice the heavily strapped, clunky and all round geriatric-like sandal seems to be the style du jour. Perhaps calling them 'geek' sandals is more on trend, but they definitely remind me of something an elderly person would wear, in the best possible way; maybe with socks, definitely with sass.

So far I have bought several pairs of sandals for the summer, none of which I can wear right now without freezing, which is a testament to the ridiculousness of fashion, really; why are they even in the shops yet? Granted, two pairs were online buys and one pair were from a chazza, but even so, the depths of winter still hasn't really been shrugged off and here I am making purchases I can't even utilise. Such is a blogger's prerogative, I suppose!

What I loved about these sandals was the colour. They also come in nude which I would have said would be the obvious choice for me, but since I wear a lot of black, navy, cream, beige, I figured to ring the changes with a splash of poppy red could only be a good thing. I say yearly (I'm sure) that I'm going to wear more colour, and never do, but on an accessory it seems less scary, somehow. With boyfriend jeans or my favourite slouchy summer peg trews, these are going to be great! A flat, leather summer sandal is such an easy investment, and actually I find it pays off to look at the beginning of the season, because by the time summer rolls around, the choicest picks have usually been snapped up!

Betty London is a brand I look to frequently because I am a real believer in quality, but also great prices. BL delivers on both counts; the shoes from this brand share a mix of classic and contemporary elements but overarching the brand is an investment in excellent materials and entry level price points. I pretty much want the entire sandal range and I'm definitely going to have to hold back from buying several more pairs! You can shop the range at Spartoo.

XO Amie
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