Old Favourites

Wearing: Mango blouse Gap chinos Vintage shoes Vintage bag

You know when you find something in your wardrobe that you'd forgotten about, and suddenly you can't stop wearing it? This is how I feel about both these shoes and these chinos, left over from a summer at The Gap and now feeling just like what I want to wear. The shoes were a vintage find, possibly charity shopped, I can't remember but I now also can't remember how I've not been wearing them for the entire summer (aside from the fact that they aren't all that comfortable!) but they go with everything I own and make all my looks more interesting. Holding them up against any of my 'new' shoes and they simply make them all look uninteresting and badly made!

I really love this colour combination for summer, navy and white looks so fresh and I like the way the tan accessories temper it. I picked up the backpack in a local charity shop and it's one of my favourite bags; I even gave it an entire blog post! It was a great find, though!

XO Amie
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