Instagram Week #6

Autumn outfit // Birthday canvas // Handmade dress // Dress selfie //  Fave relaxed-but-chic outfit // Glossybox: The London Edition // Fifi Lapin phone case c/o Iconemesis // Outfit of the day // Sewing and crafting

Another week, another Instagram post! I would have normally been posting this on a Monday but yesterday I went for a belated birthday meal with the girls from work. They spoilt me and got me loads of lush presents, so thank you girls!

This week I've been mostly snappin' outfits and also a dress I made, I posted the DIY on my blog but here's a pic of me wearing it so you can see the shape!

Also I got my hands on a lovely phone case from Iconemesis, and the London Edition of my Glossybox also came through my postbox this week; blog posts on both of these things are coming up!

If you'd like to follow my Instagram you can do so here!

XO Amie
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