Special Day...

For those of you who regularly read my blog (ergo: put up with my slackness!) you'll remember me showing you a vintage dress that I was planning to wear to the Boy's graduation. Well, that took place yesterday and this is what I wore. I kept the dress and belt combo the same but ended up wearing my vintage cardigan instead of my coat, though I did take my coat as well because it was sunny but flipping freezing :)

Shoes: Staccato Dress, Cardigan, Belt: Vintage

It was a wonderful day and I was so proud of him! He is amazing and so talented. So it was lovely to see his hard work recognised and his achievements congratulated.

I didn't wear tights, and I have to admit, I had cold legs. I think the bare leg days are over now people!
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Rebecca said...

I just wore a short dress yesterday well just above the kneecap my legs were freezing!
You look gorgeous ♥ xx


Abbey said...

Wow, it's gorgeous! It's like you have stepped back in time! Love it!


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