I was clearing out a cupboard and found this watch which I had as a child, it's meant to help you learn how to tell the time, which I always struggled with, and to be fair still do! I like the colour of the strap though and the simple face so I thought I'd give it a go. I feel a bit like Bananas Gorilla from the Richard Scarry books with an armful of watches! but oh well!
I noticed that the Topshop sale has started today girls, get on it! I had a quick look but most of what I wanted (specifically: undies) had sold out in my size, so me and the Boy are going to squeeze in a trip to our local store at somepoint before the football today. If you're so over the footie, I would recommend this afternoon as prime shopping time....towns all over the UK are going to be quietttttt!! I didn't have to work today (2 days off, yay!) but our shop is actually shutting early today as they think it would be pointless to remain open, as it will be so quiet!
I noticed that the Topshop sale has started today girls, get on it! I had a quick look but most of what I wanted (specifically: undies) had sold out in my size, so me and the Boy are going to squeeze in a trip to our local store at somepoint before the football today. If you're so over the footie, I would recommend this afternoon as prime shopping time....towns all over the UK are going to be quietttttt!! I didn't have to work today (2 days off, yay!) but our shop is actually shutting early today as they think it would be pointless to remain open, as it will be so quiet!
Speaking of sales, Cocosa (an invite-only sales site) has their clearance sale starting at 12, but I can't seem to get past page 8 of the previews...maybe they're experiencing a lot of traffic! I buy from Cocosa quite a lot, they have lots of regular sales on pretty big names, I recently bought some gorgeous Ghost pegged trousers from them for £29!! If you would like an invite to join the site leave me a comment with your email address and I'll send you one :)
Also I noticed that the Outnet has a Balmain flash sale on too, I love Balmain but of course all the lower-end items have sold out, they are left with just the £4k dresses and expensive tops! Oh well, it was nice to look at the products anyway!
Also I noticed that the Outnet has a Balmain flash sale on too, I love Balmain but of course all the lower-end items have sold out, they are left with just the £4k dresses and expensive tops! Oh well, it was nice to look at the products anyway!
Hope you have a lovely day, it's so sunny! Cover up everyone, I've seen sooo many bad sunburn victims walking around my local town! No one wants to end up looking like a Mulberry Bayswater now do they!!
Great outfit it is so nice to be able to wear shorts bare legged. Those shorts are fab btw and great with the shoes. xoxo
i like to wear these 3 black watches that were my mom's all together. none of them work, but i put 1pm, 4pm, & 3pm. 143! haha
I want an invite, please (as it's payday next week for me) :) mj_ua@hotmail.co.uk. Thank you xxxx
gorgeous! loved your outfit!
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