The gorgeous dove earrings above are Marc Jacobs and reduced to £40, I might have to snap them up come payday!

The pieces above and below are Lara Bohinc, I love her simple designs and gorgeous stones and metallic colours she uses. The ring is reduced to £95, and the bracelet is part of the new range, which is £390! Maybe one to save for...!

The necklace below is by a designer I have only recently come across called Kara Ross. She works mainly in gold with coloured gem or skin highlights and makes some really interesting and statement pieces. I particularly like this necklace, which costs £165 in the sale.

You'll notice that all the pieces I've picked are gold! This is because I love gold, and its all I seem to wear colour-wise. I do like silver but prefer the warmer tones of gold jewellery. Plus I have sensitive skin so I find anything gold or gold plated is pretty safe, whereas silver or silver lookalikes tend to upset me. It is for this reason I rarely buy costume jewellery from the high street, as the quality just doesn't match up-I'd rather spend a bit more and get something that I will treasure forever. That said I do love vintage jewellery, but then it has already been through the test of time with someone else, so you know it is going to be pretty good quality!
What kinds of jewellery do you like?
What kinds of jewellery do you like?
Those Marc Jacobs earrings are adorable! I really need to start buying some jewelery, I don't own much of it!
By the way, I'm having a best dressed reader on my blog and would love for you to enter! Click here for details!
those earrings are great!!! i've been into sort of raw gems and crystals lately as well as gaudy rings. everything else i liked to keep simple.
I love chunky silver and turquoise jewllery for summer and chunky gold costume jewellery for winter.
My friend was given Daves Famous Tanning Mousse in a goodie bag but it is really good. Not sure where you can get it from I hope it is easy to find as I love it xoxo
love this jewellery!
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