In other fashion news, I have bought a lovely new ring from one of my favourite new websites, They are a designer site but have some fabulous cheapies, I spotted a pair of CRAFT jeans (Miss Moss's fave brand) for £17.50, and a LNA tank (normally about £90) for £14. Brill. I got a Rachel Leigh ring, which was supposed to be £60, for £20, with a voucher code I had for 20% runs out at midnight TONIGHT so if you want to grab yourself a designer bargain with some money off then head on over and enter DUSTBUSTER at the checkout. Let me know what goodies you grab! I shall post pics of the ring (and the story behind why I got it!) when it arrives.
On the topic of sales, that high street stalwart TOPSHOP has gone into sale today, I noticed a few pieces on the website last night, just shoes and accessories, and the whole shebang was live today. I had a quick squizz, but there were no pieces that I really wanted-I'm after some pretty undies but the online selection was not great so I shall be paying a visit to my local store tomorrow to get some I hope!
I have to admit, after getting a small taste of designer (my Outnet bargain, and a couple of other pieces that I've picked up from designer sites) my appetite for it has well and truly been whetted. I popped into New Look on my lunchbreak yesterday and everything seemed so cheap...I know that sounds super snobby, and I still like a lot of New Look stuff (I mean, look at my post!) but I couldn't find anything I liked in there really. Additionally, I am usually the Topshop sale shopper, I can easily spend £200 or so in there during the sales (and usually do!) which would cover my summer wardrobe. But this time....nothing! Perhaps it's just that I am getting older and choosing quality over quantity...who knows! I'll keep you posted...I think that if my scattergun shopping habits have been nipped in the bud, then it can only be a good thing!!
Oh i have this maxi dress :)
You look great in it x
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