Eco Friendly Dressing

Cossac dress // Urban Outfitters jacket // Vintage LV bag // Betty London shoes // Vintage belt

I think it's really only the last couple of years or so that I have been more interested in the impact the fashion industry has on the environment. As a blogger, there seems to be a bit of a disconnect with eco issues and fashion; fast fashion is everywhere and I guess as bloggers or influencers it's important to have the latest looks, the must have pieces and really be setting the trends, as it were. It's so interesting to me to see how the revolve continues after items are bought - scrolling through Depop or eBay I see so many of the 'latest' item which is new with tags, having been bought and worn for just one shoot, to then be discarded and sold on. I don't think there's anything wrong with this in some ways - I mean, better that the clothing is reused by being sold on - but it just makes me question the process in some ways. Does it mean that if you only wear the most up to date garments and even then, wear them once only to post, you are a verified social influencer? Can you repeat looks on your blog? And if you do, do you remove yourself from the tier that only wearing the most current, high fashion and instagrammable trends allows?

Of course this isn't the case - most of the bloggers that I follow and love focus on charity shopped buys, living with a smaller wardrobe and wearing looks in different ways, but I really feel as if there is an entry level to becoming a social influencer nowadays and you need to meet certain criteria to fit that. I don't write my blog for anything other than enjoyment - I have toyed with trying to make it my career but I am realistic, because I don't have the following or engagement that the superbloggers do, this isn't a practical path for me. And I'm ok with that! I enjoy writing, styling and forcing asking Adrian to take my pictures, which, out of interest, I have started shooting on my iPhone 5, going way back to basics, and I am actually enjoying it more without the need to add any pressures such as sharing the hell out of my posts, adding clickable links, thinking so much about SEO. Of course I have been so lucky to have some amazing opportunities through my blog, and I absolutely grab them with both hands when a brand or a company asks if I would like to work with them. I think I enjoy it all the more, as well, knowing it's a lovely hobby to have and feeling proud that I have built up a good portfolio of work here.

Anyway! My dress - as I mentioned eco friendly fashion - is by an eco friendly brand, Cossac. I actually won this dress in a competition last year and I haven't worn it that much; I won it towards the end of summer and it's sleeveless so I haven't had much of a chance to wear it. It's a very sacky, oversized style and I love the asymetric hem. I belted it in to give it a bit more shape although my hair has obscured it somewhat. Hair to my waist! I didn't realise it had got so long!

XO Amie
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