2013: A Year in Outfits

Looking back over what I've worn for the entire year is not something I've done on the blog before; I think I might have done a 'greatest hits' one year but I don't really feel that the quality of my photography has ever been good enough to create a post featuring looks from every month prior to now. I've really upped the ante with photography this year and, with a new lens and a lot of help from Adrian and my mum, I think the pictorial content on Credit Crunch Chic is looking the best it ever has. I know I am miles away from the skill and levels required to stand up to a lot of the bloggers out there, but I know that it's a thing of continual improvement for me; I've never studied photography and am entirely self taught so, whilst I'm sure there are a lot of thing wrong with the composition and style of many of my pictures, I have to remind myself I've come a long way from taking outfit shots in the bathroom mirror. We all have to start somewhere! Hopefully in 2014 my photography skills will get better and better, I think a lot of the time it's all practice making perfect and learning what works and what doesn't. I've even started to tackle basic photoshop this year, under Adrian's expert guidance so I may even foray into doing more editing and enhancing the pictures further in post production (Adrian actually bought me a book on street style photography for Christmas so I'll be taking some tips from that!)

So, what's to say about 2013? It's been a really good year for my blog and I've worked hard to make it as good as it can be, difficult with a full time job and I don't feel that I dedicate enough time to it as I'd like, but I can't afford to live from it yet so therefore I can't quit my job and spend more time on it, as I'd like to. It's a bit of a catch 22 but I am hoping 2014 will continue in the same vein, who knows maybe one day I'll be able to make this my full time job!

When I was compiling these images I thought that it would be trousers in every picture so I've done well to get 2 dresses and 1 skirt into the mix. The Whistles silk trousers have definitely been the linchpin of my wardrobe with no less than 3 appearances in the year's list (is that over 30%? I think it might just be!) and skinny jeans have definitely shown themselves to be a staple, appearing, as they do, 5 times. And in 9 out of the 12 photo's I'm wearing a hat-accessory of the year for me all day long!

I've had such fun pulling this post together and it's so nice to look back over the year at a selection of my favourite looks. Here's to a fun and fashionable 2014!

XO Amie
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